BOLTLOAD.ZIP 2,521 10-22-92 MCAd File to Calc. Bolt Load And StressesFor.
CADD6PT5.ZIP 144,699 05-09-92 Part 5 of 5 Generic Cadd 6 working demo Putall files in same directory to run.
CADTRK12.ZIP 109,859 04-06-92 CadTrack v1.20 - Fully funtional SharewareAutoCAD front end written by Neal Abrams,which keeps track of jobs, users and thetime they spend working within AutoCAD.Userpasswd Math CoProcessor required.
CADV100.ZIP 146,072 10-11-92 CAD VANTAGE v1.00 <ASP> - The 1st affordableCAD program for Windows 3.1. Drawing ele-ments include: lines, arcs, circles, pointsand text. Edit options: select, cut, copy,paste, rotate, scale and undo. Line type,width and color can be set. Full text fontcontrol. Element snaps, on-line help, zoom,pan, scaled plots and much more. GammaSoftware $25.00 Newest File in Archive:October, 1992
DC20A.ZIP 338,640 07-28-92 DRAFT Choice V2.0a - New release of the BestShareware CAD Program. Warp and Tweencommands, New Macros, 256 Layers, Up to 8Views, Perpendicular/Parallel modes, PCX andWPG support, Math Co-Processor andPostscript support, much more...
DCCAD10.ZIP 112,615 10-05-92 DC CAD v1.0: combines the ease & versatilityof a pixel-oriented drawing program with thespecialized tools and functions of a CAD pgm
DCH4.EXE 70,574 07-14-92 A collection of sample drawings for DRAFTChoice V2.00. By TRIUS, Inc.
DCH5.EXE 51,465 07-14-92 Collection #5 of sample drawings for DRAFTChoice v2.00. By TRIUS, Inc.
DCH6.EXE 50,922 07-14-92 Collection #6 of Sample drawings for DRAFTChoice v2.00. By TRIUS, Inc.
NETCHECK.ZIP 287,809 04-06-92 Netcheck Tools is a program for ElectricalEngineers. It will check the schematicnetlist for errors before it is ported overto a CAD station. It will also translatefrom one type of netlist to another. 11formats supported.
NFL1992.ZIP 2,841 05-18-92 1992 nfl games schedule.
NITEPLOT.ZIP 48,566 08-22-92 Unattended Plotting of Drawings. For UseWith AutoCAD. Shareware.
PCAD116.ZIP 90,222 09-15-92 PrintCAD v1.16 printer driver for IBM/DOSCAD packages including AutoCAD & Microstation
PCAD3D.ZIP 276,297 10-30-92 3D CAD/Rendering program from TRIUS, Inc. the people who brought you AS-EASY-AS andDRAFT Choice. Hundreds of commands,Surface, Extrude, Sweep, Skin, Mesh, etc. User Definable Dithered Shading, Plotter,Laserjet, Dot Matrix support, Herc/EGA/VGAcompatible, Mouse/Keyboard operation, muchmore... Ver. 1.10
PINST120.ZIP 205,178 09-18-92 PowerInstall v1.20. English, French,German, Italian, Spanish and custominstallation tool. Used by Hewlett-Packardto install Autocad plotter drivers all overEurope. ASP member. Very powerful Script.
PRGL126C.ZIP 114,591 09-21-92 PrintGL 1.26 - pen plotter emulator forIBM/DOS systems Ravitz Software Incshareware Prints and displays HP-GLHewlett-Packard Graphics Language which iswidely supported by CAD packages; pin andLaser printing.
PRNGL126.ZIP 114,580 09-18-92 PrintGL v1.26 is a shareware pen plotteremulator for IBM/DOS systems. It prints ordisplays HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard GraphicsLanguage - 7475, 17440 subset) plotfiles onmost PC graphics devices. HP-GL is widelysupported by CAD, drawing, plotting, andother graphics programs.
PVESSELS.ZIP 2,577 10-22-92 MCAd Program to Design Pressure Vessels.
R12BUG6.ZIP 9,951 10-23-92 UNOFFICIAL list of bugs in AutoCAD Release12, sixth posting. 50 bugs listed, tellswhich have been fixed by the c1 release.
R12DXF.ZIP 35,978 09-10-92 Autodesk AutoCAD R12 DXF documentation. Electronic version of chapter 11 of the R12customization manual (from Autodesk,copyright not an issue).
R12LAN.ZIP 8,599 08-01-92 AutoCAD R12 LAN Patch - to correctly supportDOS interrupt 21h, function 6Ch (extendedDOS open) in MS DOS 4.0 or 5.0
RCLINE25.EXE 96,627 10-05-92 Custom Linetype Generator for AutoCAD ver. 2.5. Allows User to gererate Customlinetypes using Dashes, Block, Text andSpaces. Works one Polyline, Circles andArcs. Reviewed in September Issue ofCADENCE in the Shareware Rewiews. Shareware25.00
SPRING2.ZIP 3,002 10-22-92 MCAd File to Calculate Stresses AndDeflection in Helical Springs.
SWOTLACE.ZIP 22,707 04-22-92 Make ACE pilots, Secret Weapons ot Luftwaffe.
TAB123.ZIP 47,910 05-02-92 Tab123 is an AutoCAD interface to Lotus 123files - (.WKS, .WK1 and .WRK) Runs withinthe AutoCAD drawing editory. <ASP>
TSCAD0.ZIP 4,164 09-22-92 TommySoftware CAD/Draw 1.05 (part 1 of 5)*** First unpack TBCAD0.ZIP *** *** and readREADME.TXT !!! *** CAD/Draw is a powerfulCAD and drawing system for Windows 3.x. Features are: - Associative dimensioning -User defined hatchings - Library management#1 Shareware program in Europe.
TSCAD1.ZIP 200,079 09-21-92 TommySoftware CAD/Draw 1.05 for Windows 2/5
TSCAD2.ZIP 360,639 09-22-92 TommySoftware CAD/Draw 1.05 for Windows 3/5
TSCAD3.ZIP 188,368 09-21-92 TommySoftware CAD/Draw 1.05 for Windows 4/5
TSCAD4.ZIP 223,583 09-07-92 TommySoftware CAD/Draw 1.05 for Windows 5/5
TSCDQA.ZIP 2,639 09-30-92 Windows Shareware Tommy's CAD frequentlyasked Q/A TSCAD.
TSCDTE.ZIP 3,010 09-30-92 Windows Shareware Tommy's CAD explanationall TSCAD.
VOL7NO6.ZIP 10,104 07-26-92 June 92, Cadence magazine Lisp files.
VOL7NO7.ZIP 9,854 07-26-92 July 92, Cadence magazine Lisp files.
VOL7NO8.ZIP 10,992 07-27-92 August 92, Cadence magazine Lisp files.
VTANKS.ZIP 2,573 10-22-92 MCAd File to Size Vertical Cyl. Tanks.
WLPLT15.ZIP 189,612 09-01-92 WL-Plot 1.5 - freeware plotting programGraphs functions in Cartesian, Polar,Parametric; Conic Sections; Derivatives,Non-function relations; Bifurcations; BestFit Lines and Curves for data points. Savegraphs as .PCX files. On-line help.